Administration Functions

Note: Typically these functions would be under some form of user authentication so that only the site administrator could run them. However for the purposes of this demo, I'm leaving them wide open. I've also added the additional function Restore Demo which will restore the database to it's original state. That way you won't need to worry about messing up any of the data.

Also, a production version of this interface would have an "Edit" selection for the items as well, so the user can make minor changes without having to delete and then re-enter the information.

Auction CatagoriesAuction Locations
AuctioneersAuction Listings
Restore Demo
Restore Demo

Auction Catagories - These are the item catagories that the database system knows about.

Auction Locations - These records describe where the auctions are being held. They're broken out as separate records because some auctioneers rent common locations and use them repeatedly. It's too much work to reenter the location each time an auction is listed.

Auctioneers - These records describe the auctioneer holding the auction. How to get in touch with them, what their rates are, etc. Since this does not change very often, it's broken out into a separate set of records.

Auction Listings - These are the meat of this site. An auction listing consists of the Date it's occuring on, the Auctioneer presenting it, the Location where it's being held, and a list of the items available.

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