Insert, Update and Delete
Actually, all of these three database routines are SQL calls that don't
return anything other than the number of affected rows. The Perl DBI
interface lumps them all under the "do " directive.
It would certainly be possible to do the same thing under PHP. I've chosen
to break it out into three separate calls because having different routine
names makes the code you write a bit easier to read. Self-documentation
is all it is.
5.1 Insert
$sql->Insert("insert into TEST values (0,'J.D.','18','23000')");
$affected_rows = $sql->a_rows;
5.2 Update
$sql->Update("update TEST set Name = 'Jane Doe' where ID = 6");
$affected_rows = $sql->a_rows;
5.3 Delete
$sql->Delete("delete from TEST where ID = 4");
$affected_rows = $sql->a_rows;